Research project

Center of Excellence in Combustion

October 2020 - December 2023
Project Manager

CoEC addresses the fundamental challenges associated to the simulation of combustion by developing Exascale-enabling application codes to solve fundamental problems in the transition towards a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy.

The Center of Excellence is built upon the European HPC combustion community and aims to boost the transition of the codes for combustion simulations towards Exascale computing, while developing the required services to facilitate their use and application. The ultimate goal of CoEC is to empower combustion simulations to face the current and future challenges of cleaner and more efficient power and propulsion systems. At TU/e we will develop high-performance codes and models for the simulation and investigation of turbulent combustion of H2 and metal fuels.

People involved in this project: Gabriela Sanchez (PhD candidate)
and Jeroen van Oijen

Researchers involved in this project