Department of Electrical Engineering

Signal Processing Systems

Enabling the digital revolution through theories, algorithms, architectures and solutions for analyzing and interpreting signals, images, and multivariate data sets.

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Making sense of signals, images and data

The Signal Processing Systems (SPS) group studies theories and techniques to extract meaningful information from signals, images, and multivariate data sets. We combine academic excellence with a strong real-world impact in biomedical instrumentation, medical image analysis, video surveillance, autonomous vehicles, digital wireless and optical communication, hearing aids, and intelligent lighting.

The SPS group has top scientists in signal and image analysis, information and communication theory, and machine learning and artificial intelligence. We also host many senior clinical and industrial experts on a part-time basis, which allows many of our students to be co-supervised by these experts.


It is with pleasure that we announce a fifth generation of NXP scholarships, with 5 available scholarships for first year master’s students available for 2024. 

More info




Our labs

Artificial Intelligence within the SPS Group

The SPS group conducts both fundamental and application-driven research on cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology for signal processing systems. We also provide a broad palette of academic coursework on AI that ranges from neuroscience-inspired learning algorithms to deep learning technology and from introductory to highly specialized levels. 

Our group includes more than 25 academic faculty members and about 100 PhD students with specialized expertise across a wide range of machine learning and signal processing topics. This page provides a gateway to our activities on AI for signal processing systems.

Meet some of our Researchers

Wim Korevaar

University Researcher

Vinicius Oliari Couto Dias

Full Professor emeritus

Frans Willems

University Researcher

Hans van Dijk

Jafar Banar

Full Professor

Lukas Dekker

Former Doctoral Candidate

Anouk Waeijen-van Diepen

Full Professor

Hessel Wijkstra

Full Professor

Massimo Mischi

Roel Maes

Full Professor

Albert Aldenkamp

Full Professor

Jean-Paul Linnartz

Doctoral Candidate

Hans van Gorp


Alessandra Galli

Assistant Professor

Wenjin Wang

Full Professor

Sebastiaan Overeem

Associate Professor

Pierre Cluitmans

University Researcher

Alireza Sheikh


Myrthe van der Ven

Assistant Professor

Elisabetta Peri

Doctoral Candidate

Iris Huijben

Departmental Fellow

Wim van Houtum

Full Professor

Alex Alvarado

Doctoral Candidate

Mehrangiz Ensan

Full Professor

Erik Korsten

University Researcher

Richard Lazeron

Assistant Professor

Thijs van de Laar

Full Professor

Guid Oei

Associate Professor

Judith van Laar

Assistant Professor

Beatrijs van der Hout-van der Jagt

Doctoral Candidate

Esmée de Boer

Associate Professor

Dook van Mechelen

University Researcher

Franz Lampel

Doctoral Candidate

Amirashkan Farsaei

University Researcher

Yunus Can Gültekin

Associate Professor

Hamdi Joudeh

Associate Professor

Martin Bastiaans

Associate Professor

Ruud van Sloun

Assistant Professor

Simona Turco

Associate Professor

Rik Vullings

University Researcher

Xi Long

University Lecturer

Pierre Woerlee

Luan Fiorio

Assistant Professor

Catarina Dinis Fernandes


Kaiquan Wu

University Researcher

Bin Chen

Doctoral Candidate

Sebastiaan Goossens

Full Professor

Ronald Aarts

University Researcher

Astrid Barreiro Berrio

Associate Professor

Sveta Zinger

Assistant Professor

Rong-Hao Liang


Boris Karanov

Assistant Professor

Gabriele Liga

Assistant Professor

Wouter Kouw

Assistant Professor

Merel van Gilst

Full Professor

Bert de Vries

Work with us!

Please check out the TU/e vacancy pages for further opportunities within our group. 

If you are a student, potential sponsor or industrial partner and want to work with us, please contact the SPS group chair prof. Jan Bergmans.


As a hub in the regional innovation ecosystem, our group collaborates intensively with industry, hospitals and other societal stakeholders, with broad impact:

  • Bidirectional staff exchanges: around 20 senior experts from strategic industrial and clinical partners have part-time appointments in the group, mostly at the level of full professor. Also, several of our senior staff members serve as scientific advisor to a variety of high-tech companies. Furthermore, many of our PhD students are embedded for a significant part of their time with strategic partners.
  • Joint roadmaps: we contribute structurally to joint roadmaps with industry in the framework of e.g. the Center for Wireless Technology, the Center for Care and Cure Technologies and the Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Center.
  • Industrial funding: many of our PhD projects are funded partly (and in several cases fully) by industry.
  • Patents: our research frequently results in patent applications, either jointly with industry or with TU/e as main applicant.
  • Real-world applications: over the years, many of our research results were absorbed in industrial products and/or clinical practice.
  • Start-up companies: since 2000 we have produced 11 start-up companies.



Check out all our courses / Check out the VCA courses

All Master projects offered by the Electrical Engineering department can be found at the Master Project Marketplace. You can login to this website using your TU/e account. Or contact Svitlana Zinger or Alex Alvarado


