Simon Wijte is full professor of Sustainment of Concrete Structures with the research group Structural Design at the department of the Built Environment. In his research he focuses on the structural possibilities of reuse of concrete structures and concrete structural elements, which is essential for circular construction. The goal is to achieve a better sustainable use of concrete structures.

Beside this, research is performed after the structural quality of concrete floors constructed with precast concrete plate, as has been used in the parking garage at Eindhoven Airport. The aim of this research is to create an assessment tool for the structural reliability of these kind of floors.

Concrete structures can be durable for centuries, so why do not use them over and over again.


Simon Wijte obtained his MSc from the department of the Built Environment at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in 1989. He then started working at the engineering consultancy firm 'Adviesbureau ir. J.G. Hageman' (Rijswijk, the Netherlands) where he became member of the board of directors in 2004. In 2014 he was appointed as full professor of ‘Material related Structural Design – Sustainment of Concrete Structures’ at the TU/e department of the Built Environment. Simon Wijte has extensive experience in assessing existing concrete structures and forensic engineering. He is a member of a large number of national and international standards committees in the field of concrete and masonry structures. He is chairman of 'TGB Betonconstructies'. As a member of the CEN TC250/SC2 committee, he is involved in the revision of Eurocode 2, the European standard for the design of concrete structures. He is also a member of the NEN working group that is responsible for the NPR 9998, the Dutch Code of Practice for seismic structural design in the Northeast of the Netherlands.

Ancillary Activities

  • advieswerkzaamheden, Adviescommissie toepassing en gelijkwaardigheid bouwvoorschriften
  • Partner, Adviesbureau Hageman
  • Verstrekken van advies aan de regering over zaken aangaande constructieve veiligheid in Groningen, Adviescollege Veiligheid Groningen
  • participeren in normontwikkeling op het gebied van betonconstructies, Voorzitter NEN cie TGB Betonstructies
  • participeren in normontwikkeling op het gebied van beton- en steenconstructies en constructieve veiligheid, Lid van diverse normcommissies van NEN en CEN