Celebrate achievement

Eindhoven University of Technology educates students and advances knowledge in science & technology for the benefit of humanity. TU/e integrates education and research to enable students and scientists to become thought leaders and to design and achieve the unimaginable. In close collaboration with our public and private partners, we translate our basic research into meaningful solutions.

With the annual TU/e Academic Awards we celebrate our TU/e heroes who produced the best thesis, in the different categories: Bachelor (€ 1250) and Master (€ 2500). The winners of 2024 will be announced on Friday 27 September 2024.

September 2024.

Audience Award

On top of the Academic Awards TU/e also awards an audience winner.

  • Whose research appeals to you?
  • Who do you think has the most impact on society?
  • Whose research comes close to realization?
  • Whose approach is the most reliable?
  • Whose research will be most valuable?
  • Who is your hero?

Make this known by voting for your favorite research project!

Voting is possible until Wednesday 25 September 2024 24:00 hrs. The winner will be announced at Friday 27 September 2024.

Nominees 2024

  • TU/e BSc academic award

    Read more
  • TU/e MSc academic award

    Read more


There will be an outdoor exhibition of the TU/e Academic Awards nominees to honor them and to show the whole TU/e community and the general audience the research projects of these bright minds. The exhibition will be located in: Atlas from September 19 to October 3. After that, the exhibition will be moved to the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, where the students and their projects can still be admired through October 10. Both campuses are free accessible, so perfect to visit.


TU/e Academic Awards 2024 booklet

The 2024 booklet will be available after the award cermony on the 27th of september.

The winners of the Academic Awards of 2023

(photos by Bart van Overbeeke en Tim Meijer)

BSc Award

Renate Debets

"Pruning of RPA Decoders for Reed-Muller Codes Based on Projection Effectiveness and Uniqueness"

MSc Award

Jorn van Kampen

"Maximum-distance Race Strategies for a Fully Electric Endurance Race Car"

Audience Award

Rowin Bol

"Multi-Scale Material Modelling Application in Topology Optimization of Structures"