Meet our Executive Board members


The best conversations often arise during a walk. That is why our Executive Board would love to take a walk around our campus with everyone who works or studies at the TU/e. Because that unfortunately does not work out, the Boardwalks are created. We quarterly visit a special place on campus with one meber of the Executive Board, and record and share that with the entire TU/e community in a video.

BOARDWALK #1: Wellbeing with Silvia Lenaerts

In this first episode, we meet with Silvia Lenaerts on the topic of wellbeing as we visit the recently opened Eindhoven Student Sports Center (SSCE) with her. She explains how excercising helps her to keep her balance, and why she wishes that for everyone at TU/e. She also explains why wellbeing is such an important theme at the university and how the Executive Board is committed to it.

Read more on employee wellbeing here (employees only) or on student wellbeing here

Watch the second episode with Robert-Jan Smits - COMING MID OCTOBER