Green Community

Join the Greenest Community of the TU/e

  • Connect

    Join our Green Student Community and connect with other students that share a desire to improve our future. In the community we share sustainability news and events regarding our university. Next, to that we involve you in how we can make our campus even greener!

  • Contribute

    We need you! Thought the community you get involved in how we make our campus greener and join a number of events that might be interesting to you! Have a great idea for your own event? Let us know and we will help you making it into reality!

  • Share

    The more, the better. Do you have friends that may not know about this community yet? Share the mission with people around you and make a bigger change!

Are you a TU/e student and interested in sustainability (at our university)? Then you can become part of the Green Student Community! Within this community you’ll meet new (like-minded) people, and we share sustainability events, ideas, tips, initiatives, and more. 

As a Community Member, you have no obligations, everything is voluntary. Everyone is welcome to join our WhatsApp chat to stay up to date on the efforts of the TU/e, GO Green Office, and others to make our university greener. You will also be invited to join different activities like Community Events, documentary nights, workshops, and the Green Week 

Of course, we hope you inspire your friends to make more sustainable choices (like becoming part of the Green Student Community), initiate change within your own department, and ultimately, contribute to making our university more sustainable. 

GO Green Office is always here to support any sustainable initiatives and ideas, feel free to reach out! 

Scan the QR code to join!

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Thursday 28-03-2024

Study sessions just got a whole lot tastier with Tosti Thursdays! Join us during office hours in the Green Room for a grilled sandwich experience that’ll power up your brain cells.

Craft your dream tosti with a variety of vegan cheeses, gluten-free bread, and enjoy a delicious lunch on us. It’s not just about the food – it’s your chance to chat about sustainability, take a break, meet the GGO team, and explore some exciting projects in the Green Room while you recharge.

Best part? It’s all free! This is because we believe a good lunch can boost your study vibes! Let’s make Thursdays a celebration of tostis, sustainability, and productive study sessions.