Bachelor Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Rosa Geveling


“During my bachelor’s degree graduation project, I researched molecular drug delivery. I studied the interaction between particles that can deliver medication to the right place in the body before releasing them. I hope my research will result in fewer side effects for patients. To analyze my results, I used a lot of physics and mathematics. I consider this bachelor's degree program the perfect combination of mainly chemistry with physics and math. To make these chemical processes available worldwide, it is important to scale up the production. That is why I decided to study process technology after completing my bachelor’s degree. To send important innovations out into the real world.

I chose TU/e because Eindhoven is where a lot of innovations come from and I enjoy seeing that happen and participating in it. In addition, you get a lot of free choice in Eindhoven. That is how I was able to go more in-depth with modeling of chemical processes and materials science on a large scale.”