Thomas Neele is an Assistant Professor in the group Formal System Analysis at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His interest is the analysis of behaviour of software and hardware systems, specifically the analysis of concurrency and the scalability of those analyses. In this context, he studies techniques such as partial-order reduction, symbolic techniques and syntactical transformations. Neele's has also applied these ideas in the areas of automata learning and fixpoint logic.


Thomas Neele obtained his bachelor's and master's degree in Computer Science at University of Twente and earned his PhD in 2020 under supervision of Prof. Jan Friso Groote and Dr. Tim Willemse. He was a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Royal Holloway, University of London. In 2021, Neele was appointed Assistant Professor at TU/e. His work received several awards, including best paper awards at ETAPS and FACS. For his dissertation, he received the IPA dissertation award.

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