Tom Van Woensel is Full Professor of Freight Transport and Logistics in the OPAC group (Operations, Planning, Accounting and Control) of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Since July 2019, he is appointed as the Director of Education and Graduate Program Director of the Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences. He is also the program chair of the Bachelor Program Industrial Engineering.

Tom’s research is mainly focused on Freight Transport and Logistics and he conducted a large number of projects with industry, mainly with and through his Master, Professional Doctorate, and Doctorate students. Current interests include Last Mile Logistics, vehicle routing problems, crowd shipping, (service) network design, machine learning, Big Data, and IoT-driven issues and opportunities. More information on all publications can also be found on Google Scholar (the current h-index is 58, with over 12,000 citations to his work).

Smart Logistics in action: Companies are our key laboratory for doing research in supply chains, logistics and operations.


Tom Van Woensel holds a BSc and MSc degree in Applied Economic Sciences (Major Econometrics) from the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He obtained his doctoral degree at the same university with a PhD on the topic of using queueing theoretical approaches for traffic flow networks.

Tom Van Woensel has published over 130 papers in leading journals (including Management Science, Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part B, C, D, E, Production and Operations Management, Interfaces, Computers and Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research) and several book chapters. Van Woensel is also associate editor for Transportation Science, OR Spectrum, Urban Science and Logistics Research. He is a frequent speaker at academic and professional conferences in the Netherlands and abroad.

Tom van Woensel also serves as Academic Director of the Global Supply Chain Management program at the Antwerp Management School, Belgium. As a collaborating member, he is also connected to the CIRRELT (Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur les réseaux d'entreprise, la logistique et le transport) in Montreal, Canada. He is also director of the European Supply Chain Forum, in which some 75 multinational companies are involved.

Ancillary Activities

  • Acadamic director Global Supply Chain Management, Antwerp Management School
  • Academic Director Master in Operations and Supply Chain Management (MOS), Tias