After graduation

Having already worked with many companies and institutions during your studies, as an Industrial Design graduate you know what the market demands. As an Industrial Designer, you are the integrator who combines the various disciplines and provides appropriate solutions.

Most graduates move on to a master's programme. Many others start their own company alone or with fellow students, find a job at a design agency, go to work in R&D departments at large companies or organizations, or non-profit organizations, such as governments, health organizations.

Subsequent master's degrees

After obtaining your bachelor's degree in Industrial Design, you have a choice of subsequent master's programmes both at home and abroad. In any case, you will have direct access to the Master's program in Industrial Design at TU/e.

This master's program allows you to specialize in designing intelligent systems, products and services in a social context. You will choose to focus on entrepreneurship, R&D or scientific research.

Wondering where our former students ended up?

Check LinkedIn as well to see where some of our former students have ended up after graduating.