Why Industrial Design in Eindhoven?

Unique Industrial Design program at TU/e

What makes this program unique? 


  • Special focus

    Focus on intelligent systems, products and services

  • Future-oriented education

    Competence oriented and self-directed educational model

  • Projects in squads

    Collaborating on projects in a social context

  • The city and region Eindhoven

    A real design city, with the Design Academy, Dutch Design Week

These are the most noteworthy characteristics of the bachelor's program Industrial Design at TU Eindhoven:

Focus on interactive systems, products and services

As a student, you will go beyond traditional product design: you will learn to design products and systems that can communicate intelligently, that are interactive and sometimes adaptive. Such products and systems connect the physical and digital world. To be able to do this, you will improve your programming skills and learn the basics of electrical engineering.

Competency centered and self-directed educational model

Because the field is developing rapidly, you will be assessed on the integration of competences (knowledge, skills and attitude in a specific context), rather than on courses alone. The education model is based on five areas of expertise. In each area of expertise, you follow courses. In the projects, you integrate the five areas of expertise, learn about design and research processes and work on your professional skills. 

You are responsible for your own development and partly determine your own program, supported by a coach. As early as the first year, you have free elective space. You are really encouraged to develop your own vision and professional identity as designer. Our learning approach stands out by its diversity and freedom of choice, but that also demands responsible attitude. 

Social context: projects in squads

Design projects are done in a so-called 'squad', a group in which you work together with fellow students, academic staff, experts from the field, companies and organisations on a particular (social) theme or application domain. This way, education and research are integrated and there is a close relationship with the professional working environment. No gap between theory and practice!

You will design innovative and creative technical solutions for people, society and companies. User research is an important aspect within the programme. Ultimately, you design to change, enhance or intensify lives. You bridge the gap between technology and users. To see which themes are currently the focus, check out this webpage with an overview of all squads. 

International and close-knit community

During this English-language bachelor's programme, you will improve your English language skills from day one, be coached by international staff and work together with students from all over the world. Thanks to contacts with companies such as Philips, Toyota and Adidas and educational institutions far beyond Europe, we are able to respond optimally to international developments. Besides being international, the community at Industrial Design is tight - thanks to study association Lucid and the squads, in which you work together with scientific staff and students from different year layers.

TU/e Bachelor College

TU/e organizes its undergraduate education in the Bachelor College. This not only means all TU/e bachelors follow a similar structure, but also that you can easily take electives at other departments. All TU/e students take a number of basic courses that give you a foundation as an engineer. Also, should you find out in your first year that a different major suits you better, you can still switch if necessary without suffering a full year's delay.

You have the freedom to compile your own study programme based on your interests and ambitions. You can go in-depth by doing all your electives in Industrial Design, or broaden your study by doing electives in other programmes. You will also work on professional skills such as cooperation and organization. Excellent students are challenged to participate in the TU/e’s Honors Academy

The city of Eindhoven

Eindhoven is located in the technological heart of the Netherlands, also known as Brainport. Brainport makes a substantial contribution to national, industrial exports and generates almost 40% of all patents registered in the Netherlands every year. A host of world-class high-tech companies - such as Philips, DAF Trucks and ASML - are based in this region. TU cooperates with these companies that offer students internships and eventually job opportunities.

Eindhoven is also a true design city, with apart from the Faculty of Industrial Design, the Design Academy, the Dutch Design Week and a vibrant, creative industry that offers plenty of room for innovative startups. An excellent bachelor’s project can already be at the Dutch Design Week: at the TU exhibition Drivers of Change or at one of the many other locations in the city.