V3 Profielkeuzedag

With Mathematics B you are admissible to most TU/e programs. If you also have Physics in your package, you are eligible for admission to almost all TU/e programs.

Wondering what you can do with this? If you would eventually choose to study Science & Technology? Then come (alone or with your class) to the V3 Profielkeuze Day!

Read more about the program, practical information and how to register below.

  • Wednesday 20 December 2023

    09.00 am -2.30 pm


Each student must register separately, this way we can keep a close eye on the maximum capacity of the V3 Profile Selection Day.

You can register via your MyStart@TU/e account. With this account you can register for all TU/e activities. Don't have an account yet? Then you will be asked to create one. The V3 Profile Selection Day is visible in your account from the moment the registration is open. You can register til December 18, 2023. Note: be quick because full = full.

Due to the limited capacity of this edition, we have set a maximum of 1 class per school.



The program for the V3 Profielkeuze day is as follows:

09.00-09.30 am

Welcome and general presentation

09.30-10.15 am

DiscoverU – Your place in Brainport

10.15-10.30 am

Walk time to next location

10.30-12.00 am

Workshop round 1

12.00 am -1.00 pm

Guided tour (with packed lunch + walking time to next location)

1.00-2.30 pm

Workshop round 2

About DiscoverU - Your place in Brainport
No matter what you want to become, you will always work with or have to deal with technology. That is why it is important to understand who you are and what you find important in this world of technology. With this game you will discover which beta type you are, with this you will be placed in the workshops that suit you best.


One week in advance you will receive more practical information about the V3 Profile Selection Day, via the email address you use to register in your  MyStart@TU/e account.

A map of the TU/e campus and directions can be found here.

We expect at least one beta teacher or dean per school to attend. We will contact the registered schools in advance who from the school will go along to the V3 Profile Choice Day. There will also be a program component for the beta teachers.