Master's track Engineering Fluid Mechanics

Abe Willems

"I dream of a more sustainable future with the help of technology"

I find my discipline so intriguing because it reveal the often invisible air and heat flows that are so essential in this world. From the cooling of your laptop to the airflow around a car to wind turbines generating energy. My goal was to make sense of these invisible flows. During my research, I studied the negative wake effects arising from large wind turbine farms on the neighbouring farms.

I chose Eindhoven and TU/e because of its vibrant environment: the relaxed yet innovative atmosphere particularly appealed to me. I have always appreciated the availability and flexibility of courses at the university.

I am currently working as a mechanical and aerodynamic engineer at a startup focusing on the development of sustainable energy. Thus, I would like to continue contributing to a sustainable future, using the skills I gained during my studies at TU/e.