Codes and regulations

The nationally agreed codes of conduct and TU/e regulations shown below are intended to anchor our core values and the way we behave towards each other within our university in the areas of both education and research.

These codes of conduct and regulations include: scientific integrity, undesirable behaviour and reporting irregularities.
Confidential advisors are available in the three above areas. They act as contact persons, in particular for TU/e staff and students who are faced with (or suspect) misconduct, inappropriate behavior or conflicts, and can help in reaching a solution or submitting a formal complaint.

A number of Codes of Conduct have been drawn up jointly by the universities in the VSNU (Association of Universities in the Netherlands), including TU/e, in relation to their education, research and governance. All the universities have committed themselves to comply with these codes. At the website of VSNU a list of these Codes of Conduct can be found.

Code of Conduct with respect to international students

The Code of Conduct International Student in Dutch Higher Education guarantees the proper recruitment, selection and coaching of students from outside the European Union. One of its main goals is to help students obtain the correct visas and residence permits efficiently. The Code is an initiative of Dutch academic institutions, independent education-related organizations and the Dutch government. TU/e and other institutions who have signed this Code offer a fast and easy procedure for international students applying for an academic program in the Netherlands.

Code of Conduct on Private Relationships at Work

The Code of Conduct on Private Relationships at Work provides all TU/e employees with information on how to deal with an overlap between professional and private relationships. The right to privacy and free choice of partner is always respected. However, employees who have a professional and a (developing) private relationship, are expected to always act professionally and objectively and to be aware of the integrity risks that this private relationship may entail.  

Code of practice learning analytics

The Code of Practice Learning Analytics explains the use of learning analytics at the TU/e: main goal, purposes, and legal basis; Principles and standards; Transparency towards student and the protection of their personal data; Personal data used in learning analytics.

VSNU statement social safety

VSNU statement Social Safety (april 2019) "Social safety at our universities: ensuring a safe, open and respectful sector"

TU/e code of conduct for undesirable behavior

By undesirable behavior is meant (sexual) harassment, aggression, violence, intimidation, bullying and discrimination. The TU/e has drawn up the TU/e code of conduct for undesirable behavior to help prevent such inappropriate behavior.