Courses: Radiation Protection

  • Basic course Radiation Protection
  • TU/e education Ionizing radiation

The radiation protection unit of the TU/e (SBD) is responsible for education, instruction and information about working safely with ionizing radiation. Education is given at different levels.

The TU/e has been recognized by the government (Dutch Decree: Besluit basisveiligheidsnormen stralingsbescherming, article 5.11 (1)) as an institution for training in the field of radiation protection. Within the framework of this recognition the Basic course Radiation Protection is intended to train radiological workers on a basic level about radiation protection and practical skills of ionising radiation.

In addition, we offer the possibility to conclude the Basic course Radiation Protection with an exam on the level Radiation Protection Officer (RPO, Dutch: Toezichthoudend Medewerker Stralingsbescherming). The exam is available in 3 variants namely TMS-VRS-D, TMS-VER-D and TMS-M&R.

For the BMT faculty, the master course Radioisotopes and ionising radiation (8NM00) is organized.