Topic: District heating and cooling (DHC)

EIRES Lunch lecture

Friday April 8, 2022 from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
Online | MS Teams

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You are warmly invited to join our next online EIRES Lunch lecture scheduled as follows:

Friday 08 April  2022

12h30 (!) - 13h30 CET

District heating and cooling (DHC) – state-of-the-art, trends and DHC-research activities at VITO Belgium

Speaker Emilia Motoasca | VITO NV Belgium – group Thermal Energy Systems

Organized by
EIRES | Systems for Sustainable Heat principal scientists:

District heating and cooling is seen as one of the main possible solutions for the decarbonization of residential heating and cooling towards 2030 – 2050. Despite the fact that collective heating solutions have a long standing tradition in the Nordic heat dominated countries research for better, more efficient and better integrated DHC solutions in the neighborhoods is still on-going. Various older generations of DHC networks, at higher operating temperatures, some heavily based on fossil fuels as oil and gas are still in operation at higher and some of them in need of refurbishments while newer, more advanced generations of DHC, at low and ultralow operating temperatures and making use of renewable, local energy resources are designed and built in various countries. Making use of the available data to optimize their operation and detect, diagnose and correct the possible faults are among the current research activities within VITO. In-depth research into the design, optimization and deployment of newer generations DHC networks while accounting for the technical, economic, legal, social and environmental boundary conditions is also one of the core-expertise of VITO.

About the speaker
Emilia (Teodora-Emilia) Motoasca (female) works at the Energy Technology unit of VITO NV in Belgium. She graduated in Electrical Engineering and in Economics at Transilvania University of Brasov in 1996 and 1997, respectively. She obtained her PhD-degree in the Netherlands from Delft University of Technology (TUD) in 2003 with a thesis on ‘Electrodynamics in Deformable Media for Electromagnetic Forming’. Between 2003 and 2013 she worked as postdoc and later on as assistant professor at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and between 2013 and 2020 at KU Leuven, Faculty of Engineering Technology. Recently she joined VITO (Flemish Research Institute for Technology Research) as domain lead for Thermal Energy Systems (THES) at the location of EnergyVille in Genk, Belgium.
Past research interests and expertise include numerical methods for electromagnetic field calculations in various applications and integrated design, optimization, control and use of energy-efficient, reliable and cost-effective electric/hydraulic drive systems (including design of electrical machines) with applications in, but not limited to (bio) robotics, e-mobility, additive manufacturing, renewable (electric/thermal) energy (including solar PV and PV/T technologies, smart materials for energy conversion and recovery). Design, analysis and optimization of renewable energy systems (including both electrical and thermal components) in smart, sustainable systems with applications in district heating and cooling, energy conversion and storage (including waste heat recovery systems in industrial and residential context) and data science applied for thermal energy systems are among her current research activities. The ambition developed within the THES-team is to integrate multidisciplinary (technical, economic, ..) knowledge in the frame of current and existent projects with focus on thermal networks (DHC - district heating&cooling), thermal energy storage and energy conversion technologies (in particular on heat exchangers).

Detailed program
Download the invitation including full program 

Online | MS Teams

Speaker & Organizers

Target Audience

EIRES Lunch lectures are open for anyone interested in the latest developments in energy storage and conversion. Different keynote speakers from academia and industry will present their views, solutions and outlooks on the topic. The lectures leave plenty of room for discussion. We value your input. Looking forward meeting you!

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Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems