Fusion in the Netherlands by 2052? Time to initiate a societal debate!

EnergyDays | 19 September 2024

Thursday September 19, 2024 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
DIFFER, De Zaale 20, 5612 AJ Eindhoven
Team Energy

Thursday 19 September 2024

DIFFER, De Zaale 20, Eindhoven

Organized by
Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (EIRES)


Fusion in the Netherlands by 2052? Time to initiate a societal debate!

Thursday 19 September 2024

TU/e campus, Differ building, De Zaal 20 Eindhoven

Organized by
Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (EIRES)


Although it may seem odd and far-fetched, the developments in nuclear fusion require us to discuss, society-wide, how we deal with this technology. Governments (US, China, Germany, UK) are stepping up in their ambitions and startups worldwide attracted over 7bn’s of funding. How promising is fusion power now? How should we think about large projects and the future energy system? What socio-economical aspects come into play? These are aspects we want to discuss interactively, with speakers and audience.

The detailed program will follow soon!


12h30 - 13h00                  
Walk-in with coffee and tea

13h00 - 13h10      
Word of welcome and introduction
EIRES & Eindhoven University of Technology

13h10 - 13h50             
What is nuclear fusion and how is the fusion world developing now?

Prof. Roger Jaspers | Eindhoven University of Technology

13h50 - 14h30    
Systems Engineering for Nuclear Fusion, from components to reactors and beyond
Dr. Torben Beernaert | DIFFER

14h30 - 15h10   
Modelling of the electricity grid and the potential role for nuclear fusion
Emiel van Druten | Eindhoven University of Technology

15h10 - 15h30                

15h45 - 17h00     
Panel session, interactive discussion

17h00 - 18h00                 


ROGER JASPERS | Chair of the research group Nuclear Fusion - department of Applied Physics of Eindhoven University of Technology

What is nuclear fusion and how is the fusion world developing now?
Roger Jaspers has an extensive background in plasma physics, heating and diagnostics for fusion experiments. In his capacity he coordinates the Master track ‘Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion’, a collaboration between Applied Physics, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering at the TU/e.
He will address the relevant basics of nuclear fusion for a broad audience and will provide an update on the current status and developments in the international fusion sector.


Systems Engineering for Nuclear Fusion, from components to reactors and beyond
Torben Beernaert recently completed his PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology and DIFFER with the title: “Discovering the potential of dependency structure modelling for fusion systems engineering”. In this project he worked as a System Architect at ITER. In his contribution, he will address design approaches for complex systems.

EMIEL VAN DRUTEN | PHD Student Eindhoven University of Technology ​​​​​​

Modelling of the electricity grid and the potential role for nuclear fusion
Emiel van Druten is a PhD Student at Eindhoven University of Technology on the topic: Energy system optimization & trade-offs. He has collaborations with Tennet and the NEON project. He will elaborate on what the scenario studies could mean for the farther future and what are main factors for possible future energy technologies.

About EnergyDays

EnergyDays is organized every quarter of the year and are open for anyone interested in the latest developments in societal energy issues. EnergyDays focusses on a specific aspect of the present energy and climate discussion. Different keynote speakers from academia and industry will present their views, solutions and outlooks on the topic. The motto of EnergyDays is to stimulate the audience to broaden their vision on energy and climate.

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Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems