TU/e Science Award: Best EngD thesis

Continue monitoring op de verpleegafdeling / Continuous monitoring of vital signs at a surgical nursing ward


Short description thesis:
Vital signs are accurate predictors of patient deterioration, yet are measured intermittently with intervals of 4-8 hours. Consequently, deterioration may go unnoticed. Industry offers a solution for this issue: wearables that allow for continuous measurement of vital signs. Within this project, we focused on designing an innovative healthcare process including a wireless wearable at a nursing ward.  

"Towards a future-proof and sustainable way of patient monitoring"

Automatic and Optimized Hardware Sequence Generation and Inline Interpretation


Short description thesis: 
ASML machines produce electronic chips that modernize our everyday lives, facilitating technologies that enhance all aspects of society. This project specifically helps ASML engineers innovate more efficiently, designing more advanced chip-making systems that lead to a bright and eco-friendly future.

"Empowering ASML's engineers through automation, driving innovation forward"

Real-time Cloud-based Ultrasound System for Advanced Image Formation and Image Settings Autotuning


Short description thesis:
Today premium-quality medical imaging is prohibitively expensive. This thesis proposes and demonstrates the feasibility of a new ultrasound system architecture that can offer excellent image quality and ease of use at relatively low cost. This innovation promises to enhance access to accurate diagnosis for everyone, anywhere. 

"Dream big: premium-quality ultrasound imaging for everyone"

Designing a new production facility for Bodec to Valorize side-streams from the food industry


Short description thesis:
In this project, Nienke designed a multipurpose factory to support scale-up companies in bringing sustainable plant-based ingredients to full industrial scale. By optimizing production schedules, water and energy use, and focusing on sustainable technology, this facility meets strict food standards and provides a crucial solution for the future food industry. 

"I enjoy bridging the gap between theory and practice, aligning product knowledge with large-scale production to develop more sustainable and efficient processes."

DITM: Control-oriented sensor fusion for bus platooning.


Short description thesis:
The growing population is putting a lot of pressure on the existing mobility infrastructure. Frequent disruptions in public transport and shortage of drivers is becoming common. To tackle this, we are developing an innovative solution of creating ‘rail on roads’, wherein, multiple buses can autonomously follow a lead bus driven by a human driver. 

"Efficient public transport is not a nice-to-have, but a must-have for sustainable urban living!"

Linked Data for Smart Neighborhood


Short description thesis:
Cities today face complex challenges crossing multiple domains and disciplines. Therefore, we need a method for connecting the relevant knowledge from these domains to equip ourselves with the tools to solve these challenges. Therefore, this project developed a Semantic Digital Twin, which serves as a first step towards this knowledge.  

“Using cross-domain data to solves the cities challenges”

The development of an application to predict memory usage for High Performance Computing


Short description thesis:
An application was developed that uses Artificial Intelligence to improve use of High Performance Computing (HPC) at NXP. The application estimates how many resources an incoming simulation needs to run on HPC. Accurate estimation of compute resources leads to faster run times and lower queuing times. 

"Accelerating chip design by harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence