TU/e Science Award: Groundbreaking researcher nominees

Tugce Martagan


Nominated for: Tugce develops new optimization models and data-driven solution approaches based on the theory of optimal control and optimal learning. She has successfully combined several worlds: OR with AI and Life Sciences, and also theory with practice. She has established a new line of research within the field of OR. On the one hand, she convinced the industry of the potential impact of OR applications on practice. On the other hand, she established a rigorous theory to excite the scientific OR community about biomanufacturing applications. Thus, Tugce's most seminal contribution lies in translational research with scientific and societal impact.


How can we improve patient access to affordable medicines? My research combines artificial intelligence, life sciences, and operations research to improve pharmaceutical manufacturing and supply chains.

Bob Walrave


Nominated for: Bob uniquely draws on system’s thinking and modelling to study complex innovation processes within and across high-tech organizations. This system’s perspective enables him to develop novel knowledge on the complex underlying mechanisms that drive innovation success or failure.


To unravel innovation challenges, we need to understand the system and how the parts relate to the whole.