TU/e Science Award: Leadership in excellence nominees

Maarten Hornikx


Nominated for: When aiming for addressing the acoustical challenges for society, not only more scientific evidence should be developed, but also more people with the right expertise should be educated. Maarten has been involved in many courses given both in the bachelor as in the master phase and has supervised a range of PhD and EngD candidates. In addition to his excellent work as researcher, he yearly organizes the ASSA (Autumn School Series in Acoustics) where participants from all over the globe join in Eindhoven and being lectured by him and other experts in the field.

We are pioneering advanced computational acoustics methods for optimizing the impact of sound on health and productivity in built environments, and foster global collaboration around acoustic research software to increase impact on industry and society. 


Marc Geers


Nominated for: The research of Marc Geers addresses the accurate prediction of the mechanical response of advanced materials, structures, and components with complex microstructures. His research programme has led to a substantial increase of the predictive power of state-of-the-art models, thereby enabling the optimisation of critical, high-tech products and manufacturing processes. His research has pushed the frontiers in multi-scale mechanics based on novel methods, with applications in e.g. the localization of deformation, fibrous networks, acoustic foams and metamaterials, and materials for nuclear fusion. He is one of the pioneers and an acknowledged expert in the field of damage mechanics.

In the end, every device fails through mechanics. That is why we need to unravel, master and control it across the scales.


Massimo Mischi


Nominated for: Conception and clinical translation of novel ultrasound imaging solutions for cancer diagnosis


Integration of physics- and data-driven models unlocks ultrasound imaging’s full potential for accurate, cost-effective cancer diagnostics.


Patty Stabile


Nominated for: Building up on her previous achievements (recognized by EOS) and supported by multiple funding sources, she has contributed to the birth of the neuromorphic photonics research field, through a long list of seminal achievements. Her unique approach to neuromorphic computing lies on exploiting photonics to investigate scalable and high performance neuromorphic optical engines on chip, operating at the speed of light and leveraging the generalization properties of the intrinsic noise in these networks. Among many others, her most relevant contribution is the envision and demonstration of novel architectural concepts for neural network that are found to be arbitrary scalable.

I work at the intersection of photonics and brain-inspired computation, I contribute to enable large-scale computation at zero-costs, I pioneer the field of neuromorphic photonics and define roadmaps to shape the future of sustainable AI.