Monday September 30, 2024 from 11:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Eindhoven University of Technology, TU/e campus, Auditorium, Blauwe Zaal
Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute, Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute, High Tech Systems Center, NWO

Neuromorphic Computing Netherlands (NCN2024)

Neuromorphic computing (NC), a rapidly expanding field, seeks to address the energy efficiency issues of modern AI systems by drawing inspiration from biological principles such as time-based and asynchronous computation and in-memory processing. Research in this area spans from bio-inspired algorithms and models of synaptic plasticity to the development of new computing architectures based on electronic devices, emerging materials (ReRAM), and even photonics implementation. This diverse field encourages more significant scientific interaction to promote idea exchange and collaboration, aiming to train a new wave of experts, termed "neuromorphs."

In the previous NCN meetings, we established a strong neuromorphic community in the Netherlands, focusing on bio-inspired algorithms, learning models, computing paradigms, and emerging nanomaterials. This year, we aim to expand on these topics by exploring circuits, systems, and computing architectures.