
Octave Levenspiel

Octave Levenspiel association is formed by PDEng trainees of Process and Product Design (PPD).

About us

Eindhoven University of Technology offers two year post-Master's programs focused on engineering and design. The Process and Product Design (PPD) program is leading to a Professional Doctorate in Engineering, linking the theory and knowledge with the real processes in a company. Through teamwork and individual development the current challenges from industry are adressed by the trainees and graduates. Octave Levenspiel association is formed by the PPD trainees, divided in different committees. The main objective is to plan activities for the trainees like chemical plant visits, activities outside of curriculum and promote PPD program.

Contact us

  • Contact

    Chairman of octave
  • Postal address

    PO Box 513
  • Visiting address

    Helix STW 2.01
    Het Kranenveld 14
    5600 MB Eindhoven

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