Energy related


Organized by Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (EIRES)

EIRES Energizing Day

After a very successful first edition in 2022, on Friday 23 June 2023, EIRES (Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems) organized its second Energizing Day. During this day, participants got up to speed with the latest developments in energy research, both from inside and outside of TU/e.

In short: An energizing day of talks, discussions, and networking.

Next Energizing Day: 19 November 2024 @ Auditorium, TU/e campus


EnergyDays is organized every quarter of the year and are open for anyone interested in the latest developments in societal energy issues. EnergyDays focusses on a specific aspect of the present energy and climate discussion. Different keynote speakers from academia and industry will present their views, solutions and outlooks on the topic. The motto of EnergyDays is to stimulate the audience to broaden their vision on energy and climate.

Upcoming EnergyDays:

Previous editions:

EIRES Lunch lectures

EIRES Lunch lectures are organized every month and are open for anyone interested in the latest developments in the energy transition. Different keynote speakers from academia and industry will present their views, solutions and outlooks on the topic. The lectures leave plenty of room for discussion. We value your input. Looking forward meeting you!

EIRES Lunch Lectures 

EIRES (co-organized) Events

The latest events:




CCER seminars

CCER seminars are targeted at computational scientists, especially those working in energy research. This also involves the application of Machine Learning in this field. There is a special interest in computational energy research that is linked to experiment and applications. Speakers from academia and industry will present their views, solutions and outlooks on the topic. The typical audience size is 15-30, leaving plenty of room for discussion. Online participation is possible. We value your input and welcome your participation!

Interested to join?

Energy Alumni Event

If you are a TU/e alumni currently working in the energy transition, join the
'Energy Alumni TU/e’ LinkedIN group and stay informed on Energy Alumni news and events.

The second energy alumni event 'fromTUe2NRG' was held on 16 January 2020. Building upon the success of the previous event in 2017, a program was developed with an afternoon and evening of exchange and reflections on the energy transition and on the role which the TU/e intends to play. Over 170 very enthusiastic alumni made the event to an enormous success.