Expert services

At ICMS, our talented scientists collaborate across disciplines to conduct cutting-edge fundamental research. We are the gateway to the most advanced and state-of-the-art techniques and expertise at the TU/e campus that will enable you to tackle your research questions and push your innovations further.

You can interact with us as an industry partner or for a specific request:

  • Consultancy sessions

    Tailored support by expert technical staff and university scientists

  • Lab measurements

    Provide high-end measurements from molecular analysis to advanced microscopy

  • Workshops & courses

    Networking opportunities and training on state-of-the-art analytical techniques

  • Research projects

    Opportunity to collaborate through research projects (master, PhD and postdoc) and joint funding applications

  • Lectures and symposia

    Throughout the year we organize engaging lectures and inspiring symposia

  • Microscopy

    Explore here our cutting edge scientific imaging with Advanced Microscopy Facility.

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