Process Control of Energy Systems

Our mission is to advance the field of control and optimization for future energy systems. Through cutting-edge research, we aim to develop distributed optimization and control tools for a sustainable and resilient energy future.

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In the dynamic landscape of energy generation, distribution, and consumption, control systems and optimization play a pivotal role in building a scalable, resilient, and a zero-carbon energy infrastructure

As the mobility, heating, industrial, and manufacturing sectors undergo electrification and decarbonization, there is a growing demand for precise control over energy generation, efficiency, demand, and trading. Achieving this requires optimisation and control of energy generation, storage, demand management and distribution, as well as energy usage in areas including transportation, buildings and industry. A key focus is on the application of real-time, distributed optimization, machine learning, and feedback control to guarantee the efficient and reliable operation of future energy systems.


To each their own: Decision-making in a connected world

Research groups

Meet some of our Researchers


Researchers, PostDocs, PhD’s & EngD's

Chris Orrico

Hari Prasad
