Zero Emission Transport

Research projects

Meet our researchers

Zero Emission Transport is part of

Zero Emission Transport

Within Zero Emission Transport we put our minds to cogenerating a renewable future for heavy-duty transport.

Our mission: climate-neutral and future-proof mobility for people and goods by 2050.

We focus on transport (cargo traffic and the shipping industry) with traditional internal combustion engines that run on sustainable fuels. Therefore, the combination of ultra-efficient internal combustion engines and renewable fuels is key to accelerate GHG emission reduction.

Get an impressive inside look by watching this video! (play button in the picture to the left).

To establish our vision, to plan ahead, and to pave the road towards that future, within Zero Emission Transport we are partnering up with the industry (DAF, Shell) and fellow researchers (TNO, Ghent University (Belgium), and Lund University (Sweden)). Within our projects, we work together with many more industrial and academic partners to make the transport energy system clean, flexible, secure, and efficient.

Want to get a better idea about projects that we are involved with? Watch the video about the EU-funded SmartCHP project (play button in the picture to the right).
