Lennart Blanken is a part-time assistant professor in the Control Systems Technology group at the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Eindhoven University of Technology. His research interests are centered on advanced feedforward control, learning control, repetitive control, system identification, and applications in mechatronic systems.

In addition to his work at TU/e, Lennart is working at Sioux Technologies in the Mechatronics department since 2019, where he is involved in projects in several application fields, including the semiconductor industry and printing industry.


Lennart Blanken received the MSc degree (cum laude) in mechanical engineering from TU/e in 2015. His MSc project, entitled "Rational Feedforward: Optimal IV Approach and Experimental Comparison on
a Wafer Stage" was conducted in cooperation with Philips Innovation Services. In 2019, he obtained the PhD degree from the TU/e for this work "Learning and repetitive control for complex systems: with application to large format printers”. The project was carried out in cooperation with Océ Technologies (now Canon Production Printing).

Ancillary Activities

  • Trainer, High Tech Institute