Doctoral Candidate

Sushil Kumar


Sushil's primary interest lies in the realm of Metamaterials and Metasurfaces, particularly in optical frequencies, and their applications, such as Metalens technology. His master's thesis focused on "Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Design of Active Metasurfaces." In his Ph.D., he is working in resolving achromatic aberration and improving focusing efficiency of metalens. 

You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny." - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad


Sushil holds a Bachelor's degree from the Physics Department at the University of Delhi, India, graduated in 2021. He furthered his academic journey by obtaining a Master's degree from the Physics Department at IIT Gandhinagar, India, in 2023. Presently, he is advancing his research pursuits as a Ph.D. candidate in the Electromagnetics group at Eindhoven University of Technology.

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