Data & AI Mentoring Program

  • Start October/November 2024

  • Price € 3,500 (with 0% VAT)

  • English or Dutch

Data & AI Mentoring Program


The Data & AI Mentoring Program is designed to assist organizations and professionals in advancing their journey within the fields of Data Science & AI. Our experts are ready to dive into the unique challenges of each organization, and coach participants to obtain strategic autonomy to reason, ideate and apply new applications of AI for themselves. Our experience from previous cohorts have shown that participants can realize meaningful progress and tangible results from the start.



Program Highlights

  • 3 Collaborative Mentoring Sessions
    Experience the value of shared learning within small, intimate groups. Our mentoring sessions bring together a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 (individuals from) organizations. These sessions provide participants with valuable guidance to advance their Data & AI initiatives.

  • Access to our Online Learning Platform
    Unlock access to our online learning resources and course materials from the comprehensive Mastering Data & AI program.
  • Access to lectures Mastering Data & AI Program
    Design your own learning path access to 3 lecture days (equivalent to 6 half-day sessions) from our Mastering Data & AI Program. Select the topics that align with your specific interests and learning objectives, allowing you to tailor your educational experience.
  • Connect with our Alumni Network
    Join our ever-growing community of Data Science and AI enthusiasts. Gain access to our exclusive alumni network and online platform, where you can share insights, discuss dilemmas, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and topics in the field.


More information?

We welcome you to reach out to our team for additional program details or to explore how we can customize our offerings to align with your specific requirements.