Admission and Enrollment

The PPD program will not be hiring a new cohort for October 2024. We appreciate and value your interest and wish you all the best in your search for the next step in your career.
For future PPD cohort hiring, no information is expected before January 2025.
PPD Management TEAM

Application procedure

Screening will take up to 3 weeks. Interview process will start with an interview with the program Director and first year coordinator. If this interview is positive, we will invite you for a technical discussion based on a small presentation of a technical project you have taken part in. This may be your MSc project or any other technical project you have worked on, individually or in a team. 


After having completed all components of the curricular part and defended the design project in a public presentation and in a closed session with an examination committee, PPD participants will be presented with a certified diploma by their supervising professor during a graduation ceremony of the Stan Ackermans Instituut. The design engineers are entitled to bear the degree ‘Engineering Doctorate' (EngD) and will be entered as EngD into the register of the Royal Dutch Institute for Engineers (KIvI).

Link to professional practice

As the design project is nearly always carried out in collaboration with a company it is very practice-based. During the curricular year, advanced knowledge and skills are taught in block courses by lecturers who nearly all come from industry. All courses have been set up specifically for trainee design engineers and are completed individually or in teams. The composition of the group of course participants in the program Process and Product Design is multidisciplinary and international. The design project for a company ensures that the course participants solve problems that actually need solving. All the elements of the PPD -  structure of knowledge and skills, teamwork and practice-based design projects -  enable an easy transition to professional practice. You will be coached by experienced design engineers from industry and by TU/e staff with clear and relevant design experience. You will acquire independence and learn to make choices and work well in a project-based manner.