XPO and Diploma Ceremonies

The EngD candidates of the Software Technology program, who successfully complete their concluding project and have fulfilled all requirements for the EngD degree, receive their diploma as well as the degree during the yearly XPO and Diploma Ceremony.
During the XPO a number of candidates give a short overview of the results of their concluding design and development project. This is followed by the Diploma Ceremony, chaired by the graduate program director of the Department of M&CS. The diplomas are handed out by project supervisors on behalf of the Eindhoven University of Technology.

XPO and Ceremony 2024

XPO and Diploma Ceremony on October 24, 2024

The XPO and Diploma Ceremony will take place on Thursday October 24, 2024, at the Eindhoven University of Technology (Auditorium, Blauwe Zaal & Voorhof).
Candidates of generation C2022, who successfully finalize all requirements, will receive their diploma. Several candidates will present their final project results during the XPO Symposium.
Please find the booklet for day program, list of graduates and timing of presentations in due course here.
Livestream broadcasting of the symposium and diploma ceremony available the day of the ceremony from 09.00h. You will find the link in due course here.
The recorded diploma ceremony of 2022 can be found here.
In case you wish to attend (parts of) below program at TU/e campus, please register by sending a mail to ooti@tue.nl

XPO 2024 program

08.30 - 08.55 Welcome with coffee/tea (Auditorium, Voorhof)
08.55 - 09.00 Welcome by Dr. Yanja Dajsuren EngD (Auditorium, Blauwe Zaal)
09.00 - 09.15 Opening by Prof.dr. Johan Lukkien, Scientific Director (Auditorium, Blauwe Zaal)
09.15 -10.30 Presentation block 2
10.30 - 11.00 Break (Auditorium, Voorhof)
11.00 - 11.50 Presentations block 2
11.50 - 13.00 Lunch, (Zwarte Doos Lounge)
13.00 - 14.00 Presentations block 3
14.00 - 14.15 Closure

Diploma Ceremony 2023

14.30 - 15.00 Break (Auditorium r)
15.00 - 16.30 Diploma Ceremony (Auditorium, Blauwe Zaal)
16.30 - 17:30 Reception (Auditorium,Voorhof)