

In early 2023, four distinct TU/e WorkWalks were introduced at the TU/e Campus, ranging from 10 to 40 minutes each. The predetermined routes ensure time efficiency and prevent loss of
track. Rather than gathering in a confined space, these WorkWalks offer the opportunity to exercise and engage in meetings simultaneously, promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle. WorkWalks
start at the reception of every large TU/e building on Campus.

The TU/e WorkWalks received a nomination for the Loopaward 2023, recognizing outstanding walking initiatives in the Netherlands.

Read more about WorkWalks here.

Vitality Week

In both 2022, 2023, and 2024 a Vitality week was organised at the TU/e Campus, uniting students and staff by engaging in various workshops and activities covering a spectrum of topics including nutrition, mental health, sleep habits and exercise.