Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Center

Improving value based healthcare by creating and expanding an ecosystem that enables a fast track to high-tech health innovations

Healthcare innovations that enhance daily life

Bringing technical innovations all the way from early research to implementation and commercialization can often take a long time. In healthcare innovation, in particular, this lost time can often equate to lost lives. The goal of the Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Center (e/MTIC) is to create and expand an ecosystem that strongly increases the speed of high-tech health innovation, maximizing value for patients. We consider such an ecosystem to be an unmet need and a unique opportunity for the Brainport region to make significant contributions to visionary new developments in healthcare. e/MTIC is a large-scale research collaboration between the Catharina Hospital (CH), the Maxima Medical Center (MMC), Kempenhaeghe Epilepsy and Sleep Center (KH), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and Royal Philips Eindhoven (RPE) in the domains cardiovascular medicine, perinatal medicine and sleep medicine. The partnership has evolved over several decades, has a strong scientific and valorization track record and currently encompasses around 100 PhD students, supervised by a similar number of experts from the various partners.


Bringing technical innovations from early research to implementation and commercialization can often be a time-consuming process. In healthcare innovation, this lost time can equate to lost lives.

The Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Center (e/MTIC) aims to create and expand an ecosystem that can significantly increase the speed of high-tech health innovation, maximizing patients' value. We believe that such an ecosystem is an unmet need and a unique opportunity for the Brainport region to contribute to visionary new developments in healthcare. e/MTIC is a large-scale research collaboration between Catharina Hospital, Maxima MC, Kempenhaeghe Epilepsy and Sleep Center, TU/e and Philips Eindhoven in the domains of cardiovascular-, perinatal- and sleep medicine. This partnership, which evolved over several decades, has a proven scientific and valorization track record and currently encompasses over 100 PhD students supervised by a similar number of experts from the various partners.


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e/MTIC White Paper 2024


The goal of e/MTIC is to create a growing ecosystem that accelerates the pace of high-tech health innovations while maximizing patient value and reducing costs. To ensure real impact on healthcare, we must also ensure effective implementation of innovations that go beyond proof-of-concepts. Therefore, e/MTIC integrates implementation science as an essential research field in of evidence-based healthcare innovation.

Through this White Paper we want to highlight these complexities by having the key figures involved explain how such a journey takes place from idea to solution and product application. With various examples and recommandations we show the entire process from idea to product development and implementation in clinical practice.

 ** Launch 08 February 2024 **

Our Research Areas

e/MTIC aims to strengthen the institutionalized collaboration between regional partners focusing on research and innovation in pre-defined clinical domains. Initially these are the domains in which we already excel internationally, i.e. perinatal and cardiovascular health along with sleep medicine


e/MTIC research

Advanced motion monitoring in infants

Computational-model-based decision support for patients at risk for sustained VT

Data-enabled Design

Perioperative high-resolution monitoring database

Dynamic Dashboard for Cardiovascular Data Visualization and Analysis

Telerehabilitation for ADHF patients


Unobtrusive OSA screening techniques

Designing Perinatal Life Support technologies through simulation

Heart Failure Classification Trial & Transitional Care Trial

PICASSO- Maternity Dashboard

video monitoring for early signaling of adverse events

PERSTIM project

UMOSA: Laser-based illumination unit for rPPG

Prolonged In-Home Sleep Monitoring (PRISM)

Digital Twin to Predict Ventricular Tachycardias

Design of a Clinical Data Management Workflow

Video monitoring for early signaling of adverse events

Biomarker monitoring by wearable patch

Multi-perspective functional echocardiography

Cancer localization by ultrasound microvasculature imaging

Monitoring the Narcolepsy spectrum

Prediction of life-threatening arrythmias

Risk stratification and screening in early pregnancy

Pre-operative assessment of aortic stenosis

Smart subjective sleep monitoring in family context

Magnetic micromixing for point of care diagnostic

Ambulatory Monitoring for improved pregnancy outcome

Camera-based Respiration Monitoring

Development of a digital twin of the artificial womb

Camera-based vital signs monitoring during sleep

Alarm-Limiting AlgoRithm-based Monitoring




Nutrition monitoring with sensors in the home environment

Joint modeling with high-frequent repeated measurements

Quality of real-time fMRI: novel software, sequences, and signals

Interactive exploration of logistic regression models

Cardiac monitoring from clinical setting to daily life

Dynamic checklists: design, implementation and evaluation

Analysis of care pathways via coordinate systems

From Bench to Bedside

Accelerating digital innovation by co-creating in 6 months innovation cycles in the e/MTIC ecosystem


e/MTIC - Large-scale research collaboration

Catharina Hospital – new technique treatment atrial fibrillation

New MRI scanner for in-depth epilepsy research

Diagnosing sleep apnea - faster, easier, costs-efficient

Narcolepsy Monitor - a joint e/MTIC development

The doctor and computer form together a powerful combination

e/MTIC has a huge support among professionals

A practical e/MTIC case – TRICA Study

e/MTIC Health Data Platform – Vision document

MEDICAID an e/MTIC miniprogram

Smart camera to warn in case of acute heart problem

Heart Foundation interviews professor and cardiologist Lukas Dekker

Bridging the gap between doctors and technology


5 Partners, 5 Years, 5 July 2023

Time to celebrate e/MTIC research, innovations and collaboration towards a Fast Track to Clinical Innovation. During the anniversary celebration on Wednesday, July 5, the five partners looked back on the achieved successes and forward to the future. The strength of e/MTIC lies in the close collaboration between the university, hospitals and industry. All these parties are needed to realize innovations in healthcare. According to Carmen van Vilsteren, Director of e/MTIC, "a lot has changed in the past five years. When we started five years ago, we were seen as a local initiative. Meanwhile, we are recognized as a strategic collaboration that can serve as a model for innovation in helathcare."

Remote monitoring via Smart Patch

Video made by ZorgVanNu

Developped within e/MTIC: a smart patch that measures, among other things, the patient's heart rate and breathing from a distance. Wherever it is. The Catharina hospital in Eindhoven uses the patch for various conditions or treatments. In the video we share their experiences with the Philips healthdot.

Zorg van Nu is an initiative of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS)


Meet some of our Researchers

Full Professor

Natal van Riel

Assistant Professor

Collin Drent

Full Professor

Hareld Kemps

Doctoral Candidate

Esther Maas

University Researcher

Tom Bakkes

Associate Professor

Ruud van Sloun

Full Professor

Peter de With

Full Professor

Carola van Pul

Assistant Professor

Hans-Martin Schwab

Full Professor

Ronald Aarts

Doctoral Candidate

Floor Fasen


Emma Moonen

Assistant Professor

Hailong Jiao

Full Professor

Albert Aldenkamp

Assistant Professor

Chao Zhang


Eriola Shanko

Full Professor

Massimo Mischi

Doctoral Candidate

Esmée de Boer

Associate Professor

Sveta Zinger

Associate Professor

Judith van Laar

Associate Professor

Pierre Cluitmans

Doctoral Candidate

Iris Huijben

Full Professor

Marc van Sambeek


Debby Klooster

Full Professor

Keita Ito

Assistant Professor

Catarina Dinis Fernandes

Full Professor

Erik Korsten

University Researcher

Xi Long

Doctoral Candidate

Zheng Peng

Associate Professor

Richard Lopata

External Collaboration Coordinator

Paul Merkus

Doctoral Candidate

Hein de Hoop

Education and Research Technician (Design and Development)

Rainier van Dommele

Assistant Professor

Rob Mestrom


Edwin van den Heuvel

Assistant Professor

Beatrijs van der Hout-van der Jagt

University Researcher

Andreas Pollet

Full Professor emeritus

Loe Feijs

Full Professor

Paul Boon

Hybrid Teacher

Heleen Muijlwijk

Carmen van Vilsteren


Myrthe van der Ven

Full Professor

Frans van de Vosse

Full Professor

Guid Oei

Associate Professor

Rik Vullings

Assistant Professor

Peter Bovendeerd

Full Professor

Hessel Wijkstra

University Researcher

Peter Andriessen

Assistant Professor

Merel van Gilst

Jan Bergmans

Our partners

The Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Centre is a large-scale research collaboration in the Eindhoven region between The Catharina Hospital, the Maxima Medical Center, Kempenhaeghe Epilepsy and Sleep Center, Eindhoven University of Technology, and Royal Philips Eindhoven.
