Cardiovascular Medicine

Ultrasound imaging: ultrasound is a powerful, cost-effective imaging option for cardiovascular diagnosis, as well as for treatment planning and guidance. Ultrasound overcomes the limitations of alternative imaging technologies providing a solution that does not use ionizing radiations (unlike CT, nuclear scintigraphy, and X-ray) and does not pose structural and logistic limitations due to strict electromagnetic-compatibility requirements (unlike MRI). Therefore, ultrasound is perfectly suitable for perioperative imaging and for long-term monitoring. Several projects are ongoing in this research area with the aim of introducing new technical advances for improved diagnosis and treatment. All our research builds on deep understanding and modeling of the full measurement chain, from the underlying (patho)physiology, to the electromechanical conversion and ultrasound physics, up to the image formation strategy. Special emphasis is given on those innovations that can ultimately be translated into new solutions enabling long-term monitoring. Main research areas of are:
- Mechanical and photoacoustic characterization of tissue properties aimed at the characterization of the vascular wall and atherosclerotic plaques.
- Multi-parametric characterization of mechanical and perfusion properties of the cardiac walls aimed at optimizing the ablation procedures for treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
- Continuous hemodynamic monitoring by adaptive ultrasound beam forming.
- Analysis of ventricular flow and pressure patterns by contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging.
- Multi-perspective analysis of cardiac and vascular (e.g. aorta) structures for improved diagnostic evaluation.

Ultrasound imaging

Ultrasound is a powerful, cost-effective imaging option for cardiovascular diagnosis, as well as for treatment planning and guidance. Ultrasound overcomes the limitations of alternative imaging technologies providing a solution that does not use ionizing radiations (unlike CT, nuclear scintigraphy, and X-ray) and does not pose structural and logistic limitations due to strict electromagnetic-compatibility requirements (unlike MRI). Therefore, ultrasound is perfectly suitable for perioperative imaging and for long-term monitoring.


  • Mechanical and photoacoustic characterization of tissue properties aimed at the characterization of the vascular wall and atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Multi-parametric characterization of mechanical and perfusion properties of the cardiac walls aimed at optimizing the ablation procedures for treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Continuous hemodynamic monitoring by adaptive ultrasound beam forming.
  • Analysis of ventricular flow and pressure patterns by contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging.
  • Multi-perspective analysis of cardiac and vascular (e.g. aorta) structures for improved diagnostic evaluation.

Many projects are ongoing in this research area with the aim of introducing new technical advances for improved diagnosis and treatment. All our research builds on deep understanding and modeling of the full measurement chain, from the underlying (patho)physiology, to the electromechanical conversion and ultrasound physics, up to the image formation strategy. Special emphasis is given on those innovations that can ultimately be translated into new solutions enabling long-term monitoring.


Ultrasound imaging: ultrasound is a powerful, cost-effective imaging option for cardiovascular diagnosis, as well as for treatment planning and guidance. Ultrasound overcomes the limitations of alternative imaging technologies providing a solution that does not use ionizing radiations (unlike CT, nuclear scintigraphy, and X-ray) and does not pose structural and logistic limitations due to strict electromagnetic-compatibility requirements (unlike MRI). Therefore, ultrasound is perfectly suitable for perioperative imaging and for long-term monitoring. Several projects are ongoing in this research area with the aim of introducing new technical advances for improved diagnosis and treatment. All our research builds on deep understanding and modeling of the full measurement chain, from the underlying (patho)physiology, to the electromechanical conversion and ultrasound physics, up to the image formation strategy. Special emphasis is given on those innovations that can ultimately be translated into new solutions enabling long-term monitoring. Main research areas of are:
- Mechanical and photoacoustic characterization of tissue properties aimed at the characterization of the vascular wall and atherosclerotic plaques.
- Multi-parametric characterization of mechanical and perfusion properties of the cardiac walls aimed at optimizing the ablation procedures for treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
- Continuous hemodynamic monitoring by adaptive ultrasound beam forming.
- Analysis of ventricular flow and pressure patterns by contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging.
- Multi-perspective analysis of cardiac and vascular (e.g. aorta) structures for improved diagnostic evaluation.

Our PhDs, EngDs and PD

position full name research topic
PhD Daniek van Aarle Synthetic IVUS: data simulation and network training
PhD Reyan Abdalrahim Transmural value-based healthcare (VBHC) for cardiovascular patients
PhD Sophie Adelaars Clinical evaluation of a sweat sensing patch
PhD Bartosz Animucki Nieuwe techn. en beslissingsondersteuning voor verbetering van patiëntwaarde bij 3 veelvoorkomende hartaandoeningen
PhD Sonja Babac Remote Monitoring in Health and sports
PhD Tom Bakkes Early prediction of postoperative deterioration
PhD Agata Barbagini Improving hemodynamic measurements in critical and perioperative care
PhD Giulio Basso New wearable metrics for cardiology
PhD Konrad van Beek Postdilation optimization after stent deployment
PhD Esmeé de Boer Body-woRn Ultrasound sensing platform for advanced non-invasive patient Monitoring in peri-operative and critical care
PhD Maarten van den Broek Medtech solutions for Earlier DetectIon of CArdIovascular Disease - AF/OSA
PhD Carlijn Buck Digital Twin to Predict Ventricular Tachycardias using Hybrid Modelling
PhD Israel Campero Jurado Design and field use of unobtrusive 24/7 wearable data acquisition systems
PD Xufei Chen Self-Driving Ultrasound for Multi-parametric Cardiac Tissue Characterization
PhD PeiPei Chen Risk assessment to improve outcomes of cardiovascular diseases
PhD Nishith Chennakeshava Self-Driving Ultrasound for Multi-parametric Cardiac Tissue Characterization
PhD Iris Cramer video monitoring FOR early Signaling of adverse EvEnts
PD Catarina Dinis Fernandes Body-woRn Ultrasound sensing platform for advanced non-invasive patient Monitoring in peri-operative and critical care
PhD Valerie Drost Candidate identification tool for left ventricular assist devices
PhD Rik van Esch video monitoring FOR early Signaling of adverse EvEnts
PhD Floor Fasen Medtech solutions for Earlier DetectIon of CArdIovascular Disease - Early detection AAAs
PhD Koen Franse US-based fluid-structure interaction modeling of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques
PhD Noëlle Gerards Integrated Photonics based Thermodilution curve measurement
PhD Milan Gillissen Patient-specific outcome modeling for Peripheral Arterial Obstructive Disease
PD Merel van Gilst Medtech solutions for Earlier DetectIon of CArdIovascular Disease
PhD Mayra Goevaerts CardiOvascular Research Opting for New Applications: continuous cardiac risk and lifestyle profiling
PhD Stephanie Gonzalez-Riedel Medical imaging
PhD Jelte Haakma Modeling and data analysis for a sweat sensing patch
PD Frederique Hafkamp Development, implementation and evaluation of innovations in a full healthcare chain
PhD Samaneh Heydari Medtech solutions for Earlier DetectIon of CArdIovascular Disease - AF/OSA
PhD Hein de Hoop Multi-perspective Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
PhD Joris van Houte Clinical evaluation ultrasound based hemodynamic monitoring
PhD Yizhou Huang Self-Driving Ultrasound for Multi-parametric Cardiac Tissue Characterization
PhD Gerben Hup Beating cardiac arrest
PhD Larissa Jansen Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging for Extended Diagnosis and Treatment of Vascular Disease
PhD Evianne Kruithof VT Modeling- Electromechanical modeling of ablation
PD Lianne van de Laar Medtech solutions for Earlier DetectIon of CArdIovascular Disease - Early recognition of AF and HF
PhD Mayke van Leunen Telerehibalitation of heart failure patients following acute decompensation
PhD Peilu Liu Multi-perspective Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging of the Heart
PD Ben Luijten Future US based on the perception-action principle
PhD Peter Lövei "The heart matters"
PhD Esther Maas Multi-perspective Ultrasound Imaging & Modeling of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
PhD Kirsten Maas Atificial Intelligence in Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
PhD Robin Martens A pilot line for the next generation of smart catheters and implants
PhD Eveline Mestrom Medtech solutions for Earlier DetectIon of CArdIovascular Disease - Early recognition of AF and HF (Automated early warning scoring system in a surgical ward)
PhD Roel Montree Transmural value-based healthcare (VBHC) for cardiovascular patients
PhD Emma Moonen Design, fabrication and testing of a sweat sensing patch
PhD Jan-Willem Muller Aneurisms/Carotids
EngD Melissa Niemantsverdriet VT Modelling
PhD Wessel van Nierop Future US based on the perception-action principle
PhD Wessel Nieuwenhuys Development, implementation and evaluation of innovations in a full healthcare chain
PhD Arjet Nievergeld Medtech solutions for Earlier DetectIon of CArdIovascular Disease - Early detection AAAs
PhD Oisín Nolan Future US based on the perception-action principle
PhD Renee Noortman Medtech solutions for Earlier DetectIon of CArdIovascular Disease - Early recognition of AF and HF
PhD Igor Paulussen Remote Monitoring in Health and sports
PhD Kevin Pelzers A pilot line for the next generation of smart catheters and implants
PhD Lotte Piek US-based fluid-structure interaction modeling of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques
PhD Jesper Pilmeyer Medical imaging
PD Jeroen van de Pol Development, implementation and evaluation of innovations in a full healthcare chain
PD Joost van der Putten Fast Catheter Detection in US imaging for interventions
PD Sujithra Raviselvam Medtech solutions for Earlier DetectIon of CArdIovascular Disease - Early recognition of AF and HF
PhD Joerik de Ruijter Ultrasound and photoacoustic characterization of plaque vulnerability
PhD Vincent van de Schaft WP 1a: AI-enabled high-quality real-time 3D ultrasound imaging
PhD Irina Bianca Serban Design and field use of unobtrusive 24/7 wearable data acquisition systems
PhD Annelies Severens WP 1c: Localization of intracardiac echography transducers for tricuspid valve therapy
PhD Marloes Sjoerdsma Multi-perspective Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging of the Heart
PhD Tristan Stevens Artificial Intelligence for Ultrasound Image Formation
PhD Irene Suriani Body-woRn Ultrasound sensing platform for advanced non-invasive patient Monitoring in peri-operative and critical care
PD Gabriele Varisco Fetal movement for fetal wellbeing detection
PhD Amy Vermeer Atificial Intelligence in Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
PhD Tineke de Vries Remote Monitoring in Health and sports
PhD Daphne Wanten Developing prediction models using nationwide data
PhD Pascalle Wijntjes Risk stratification in early pregnancy
PhD Robin Willems VT Modelling
EngD Marloes de Winter VT Modelling
PhD Sicui Zhang Tracebook V2


  • Visiting address

    MultiMedia Paviljoen 0.41
    Horsten 1
    5612AX Eindhoven
  • Postal address

    Department of Electrical Engineering
    PO Box 513
    5600MB Eindhoven
  • Team lead or secretary