The mission of the MOVEMENT Research Group is to develop optimization models and methods for systems and control.

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“Before being engineers, you are first and foremost humans”F. De Sanctis

The mission of MOVEMENT (Modeling and Optimization for Vehicle Electrification, Materials, Epidemics and Novel Topics) Research Group is to develop optimization models and methods for systems and control. Our focus lies in devising design and control methods for multi-scale cyber-socio-technical systems, with applications in mobility systems, pandemics, and ceramic materials.



Green Transport Delta - Electrification

MPPC (Model Predictive Pandemic Control)

Double-tough Material Meta-experimental Design Optimization (DoMaMeDO)


NGF Energy Charging Hubs


Researchers, PostDocs, PhD’s & EngD's

Student opportunities

Do you want to join us for a bachelor's or master's project? Please get in touch with group leader, Mauro Salazar.