Department of the Built Environment

Information Systems in the Built Environment

The ISBE Group carries out research and education in the field of information systems used for the engineering and management of the built environment, into which they are embedded.

New ICT methods and techniques in the context of building sciences and urban sciences.

According to the United Nations, 60% of the world population will live in urban areas in 2030.The main challenges for the built environment are the rapid increase of people living in cities, the depletion of natural resources and climate change. Therefore, smart solutions, based on ICT and data are needed to manage buildings, public spaces and the overall city. Because waste material is not accepted anymore, ICT is needed to trace building components and material over lifetime. Finally, energy consumption by people needs to be controlled, using ICT to influence their behavior. In the ISBE group we make connection between technology, people and built environment where computing science is linked with behavioral science. BIG data from building/city models are combined with data from sensors and questionnaires to draw conclusions on the quality of the built environment. Information systems are developed to enable informed decisions for the engineering and management of the built environment.

Meet some of our Researchers

Research project: Triangulum

In the Triangulum project an exploitation and replication framework is developed for smart city solutions across the domains of energy, transport and ICT. Exploitation and Replication within Triangulum will be catalyzed through the development of the Smart City Framework that is based on the ongoing evaluation of smart city implementations in the Lighthouse Cities Manchester, Eindhoven and Stavanger, and heavily draws on the Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities.

Research project: ROCK

The Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities (ROCK) research project supports the transformation of historic city centers afflicted by physical decay, social conflicts and poor life quality into Creative and Sustainable Districts through integrated implementation of technological, social and organizational innovations.



  • Visiting address

    Groene Loper 6
  • Visiting address

    Groene Loper 6
  • Postal address

    Department of the Built Environment
    P.O. Box 513
    5600 MB Eindhoven
  • Postal address

    Department of the Built Environment
    P.O. Box 513
    5600 MB Eindhoven
  • Secretary