Stefan Eijsvogel is currently a Postdoc. The focus of his research remains on the spatial spectral Maxwell solver and its capabilities for the field of soft x-ray wafer metrology. This takes the form of investigating efficient expansions of characteristic functions in Gabor frames, parallel computing by a spatial spectral Maxwell solver for a multilayered media, or developing noise-robust inverse-scattering algorithms based on the spatial spectral Maxwell solver.


Stefan Eijsvogel obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering in 2016. He continued with pursuing a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering focusing on electromagnetics and integrated circuits. For his Master’s degree, he investigated wireless power transfer for medical applications, while his final project focused on the synchronization of clocks within a cluster of nanosatellites. From April 1 2019 till May 10 2023, he worked as a Ph.D. student at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Electromagnetics and MultiPhysics Modeling and Computation  (EMPMC) lab of the electromagnetics capacity group. During the Ph. D. project, his research focused on extending and improving the capabilities of the (in-house) spatial spectral Maxwell solver to the field of soft x-ray wafer metrology.

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