STW Valorisation Grant for research into algae

An STW Valorisation Grant has been awarded to the research group Microsystems of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The Microsystems group has created a device that can simply and automatically classify algae by species. The grant, along with the support and expertise of the TU/e Innovation Lab,  allows them to bring the technology out of the lab and into the market.

Harmful algae
Allison Schaap, PhD student of the research group Microsystems, explains the importance of this development, “The EU loses an estimated €600 million per year to harmful algae (plankton) blooms; worldwide, these blooms cause massive losses to commercial fisheries, damage tourism, and can contaminate drinking or recreational water with toxins.  Monitoring the types and amount of algae in water can help with identifying and preventing harmful algae blooms. However, there is a lack of quick, low-cost methods for identifying algae species.  The most common method is to take a preserved water sample to a lab for manual identification.  This process is slow and limited in scope. We have created a device which can simply and automatically classify algae by species.  Suitable for long-term measurements in water, this technology is robust and reliable, and can offer a competitive alternative to existing methods.“

STW Valorisation Grant
Technology fund STW tries to stimulate and finance excellent technological research. The Valorisation Grant can be seen a funding gap, that supports the valorization of university research.  The grant is for €25.000 for 6 months, with the possibility of applying for a second phase later for more funding.