PhD/EngD Support

Currently, there are over 100 e/MTIC PhDs, spread across different research domains.

We want to support them with a PhD Task Force whose goal is to promote e/MTIC, strengthen the community, and voice the needs and feedback of the PhDs and EngDs to the Steering Team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find the questions about your PhD/EngD life from who was in your position before you.
You cannot find what you are looking for or you just want to contact us? Write an email to

⇒ Who are the other PhDs and EngDs in my research domain?

You can take a look at each research domain page to get a list of people currently working in that area.

⇒ How can I add e/MTIC to my professional profiles?

Currently, we are active on LinkedIn and TU/e has a PURE profile for each researcher. We have a guide for that.

⇒ What are the next events organized by e/MTIC?

If you started recently your PhD/EngD, we organize an introductory session to the e/MTIC environment every 4 months. The next introductory session date is on TBA, around Fall 2024
We organize conferences and poster events, and participate actively in the life of Eindhoven, but also organise social events for our e/MTIC members. If you are interested in other e/MTIC events, keep an eye on this page here.

The next events ARE:

  • 26th of September 2024: e/MTIC poster event. Details TBA
  • mid November 2024: PhD social activity. Details TBA


Inside e/MTIC we organize mandatory courses regarding privacy, IP, data management, and other topics relevant to your work.
Please register here soon as possible.


Other than e/MTIC courses, TU/e offers a variety of training options for PhD (PROOF program) and others open to all the staff.
For a list of the courses starting fall/winter 2024 take a look here.

⇒ How can I follow e/MTIC activities?

You can subscribe to our newsletter here (we promise to send you a few emails over the year) or you can follow us on LinkedIn.

⇒ I need help with contracts and paperwork of e/MTIC members

Sometimes interacting with parties that have different objectives and business rules may be very difficult and time-consuming.

We are here to help, and we are actively working to create a list of contacts for different issues, in the meantime, you can directly contact us at

⇒ I am struggling with my work, what can I do?

Working in academia and research can be exhausting. At  the TU/e you can find someone to support you concerning time management, research planning, work/life balance, and mental health support.

  • Under the PROOF program you can find courses organized by the university on various work management topics.
  • Here instead you can find all the support you need for challenging situations, confidential advisors, and career coaching.
  • Here you can see all options given by TUe to support your research efforts, from planning to execution and time management.

⇒ Personal grants possibilities and training | PhD

Did you know you can fund your own personalized postdoc position with a personal grant? Start thinking about this in the 3rd or 4th year of your PhD, because it helps to prepare well in advance. Read more.

⇒ I am finishing my PhD/EngD, what's next?

Don't worry, many possibilities are in for you.

To look at career opportunities within e/MTIC, look here.

Soon we will also present a webpage to read the stories of our Alumni who now work within the e/MTIC ecosystem and also in other organizations.

Meet the PhD Task Force Team members

Luca Cerina

Carlijn Buck

Maud Kunkels

Frederique de Raat

Daniek van Aarle

María José Almario Escorcia

Raquel de Alves

Laura Schiphorst